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With natural ingredients, clay Pot Braised Eggplant is selected from fresh tomatoes and finely minced lean meat braised in an earthen pot, combining many typical spices of Vietnam to create a rich and familiar dish in every Vietnamese family meal. 

The main ingredient that makes the rustic flavor 

Clay Pot Braised Eggplant, with its traditional flavor, originated from the food culture of Northern Vietnam. The dish is often seen during the traditional New Year, when the North enters a cold spell. 

Eggplant, which contains many nutrients, when processing the aromatic taste from the fruit, will become more pleasant, the dish has a lumpy crunch, many nutrients. Besides, eggplant provides abundant fiber, capable of lowering cholesterol and protecting the heart, helping to maintain good health. Minced meat ingredients are used with finely minced pork, which gives a flavor rich in protein and essential nutrients to the body. 

Cà Tím Om Nồi Đất 1

The rich flavor blends the aroma from the earthen pot with Northern folk influences 

Clay Pot Braised Eggplant dish has a unique and delicious flavor. When cooked in an earthen pot, the dish retains its natural flavor, besides blending with the aroma of the earth makes the dish soft, imbued with spices. 

The earthen pot braised eggplant is the perfect combination of fresh eggplant pieces and traditional spices. The aroma of other traditional spices such as garlic, dried onions, chili, salt and pepper ... making the dish a highlight not to be missed in family meals.

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Experience the authentic taste with rustic dishes at Phung Thanh restaurant

At Phung Thanh Restaurant, experiencing traditional flavors is a hometown journey. Every bite of food is a story about the magic of spices and the blend of fresh ingredients. Not only is it about bringing diners delicious meals imbued with folk tales, but also an adventure to discover ancient Vietnamese culinary culture. 

Here, diners will be amazed with a rich and diverse menu, with more than 100 dishes with the flavor of the Northern plain of Vietnam such as rice kohlrabi yarn, beef salad, lettuce rolls with copper shrimp, fried banana flowers ...

Besides, the luxurious restaurant space, with the scenery is recreating the traditional beauty of Thang Long capital, Phung Thanh journey back to the basic place where you find the old Northern flavor and the beauty of Vietnamese culture.